2023-2024 NRWD Fellows
The NRWD Fellows selected are graduate students enrolled in research-based thesis or dissertation-granting programs at the seven SW CASC consortium institutions. The fellowship science theme this year is How well do the public and resource managers understand the increasing aridity phenomenon in contributing to megadrought?

Fern Bromley
University of Arizona
2023-24 Fellow
M.S. Natural Resources emphasis in Watershed Management and Ecohydrology
Nicholas Christensen
Colorado State University
2023-24 Fellow
Ph.D. Civil and Environmental Engineering
Leah Madison
University of Nevada, Reno (Desert Research Institute)
2023-24 Fellow
M.S. Geography
Hannah Myint
University of California, Los Angeles
2023-24 Fellow
Ph.D. Institute of the Environment and Sustainability
Gabriela Tatiana Sancho Juarez
Utah State University
2023-24 Fellow
Ph.D. Watershed Sciences