Presentations & Products

Presentations & Products

2021-2022 Cohort Products

The fact sheet (right) is a final product from the 2021-2022 Natural Resource Workforce Development Cohort. This fact sheet is a review of water law in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, and Utah, and a summary of instream flow water rights. Additional final products are forthcoming. 

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NRWD 2021-22

2020-2021 Cohort Products

The presentation video (right) is the final project summary of the 2020-2021 Natural Resources Workforce Development Fellows Cohort. Presenters are: Benjamin Davis (Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC, San Diego), Sonia Delphin-Perez (University of Arizona), Jacob Stuivenvolt Allen (Utah State University), Carlie Domingues (UC Davis), and Anna Murveit (University of Arizona).

Relationship with Fire Storymap

Intentional Fire Podcast

2019-2020 Cohort Products

The presentation video (right) is the final project summary of the 2019-2020 Natural Resources Workforce Development Fellows Cohort. Presenters are: Drew Eppehimer (University of Arizona), Elly Fard (UCLA), John Kemper (Colorado State University), and Mike Sierks (Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC, San Diego). The file link (right) is the final report outlining the research of the 2019-2020 cohort. This blog, written by four of the fellows, summarizes the research and report.

Final Report (PDF)  Summary Blog